Saturday 19 April 2014

Easter in New York 2

What a difference a week can make. Lots of sunshine, warmer temperatures and presto! Central Park's crocus are gone, replaced by swathes of daffodils and bluebells.

The magnolias are in full bloom…

Even some of the cherry trees are in blossom.

New Yorkers are out in force, enjoying the optimism of Spring.

I'm finally heading home, all the way to Adelaide to spend precious moments with my family. Wishing everyone a very happy Easter!

Sunday 6 April 2014

Easter in New York

Once again, I'm in New York.  In the city that never sleeps, the seasons influence the pulse and pace of outdoor activity.  The past Winter has been unusually harsh, and today in Central Park even though there was remnant snow on the ground and the tree branches were still naked, the crocus beds were blooming to signal the arrival of Spring and the promise of warm days ahead.

New Yorkers were out in droves, enjoying the sunny day despite a persistent chilling breeze, and taking part in the city's delightful Faberge Easter egg hunt - an exhibition of 260 Easter eggs decorated by famous artists and sprinkled across the city, waiting for children to find them.