Sunday 22 September 2013

London, Ghent and Stockholm

I spent the last two weeks in Europe.  

The first week in London was overcast, drizzly and hectic.  There weren't many photo opportunities, but when I look at the few images I captured, I realise they reflect the mood of the week. The first two were taken from a moving taxi, the next from a rain speckled capsule on the London Eye and the final one on Fleet Street.

My next stop was Ghent in Belgium.  In contrast to London, I had a leisurely weekend to enjoy Ghent's picturesque medieval beauty and refined pace.  

Ghent is a city of quaint and stately architecture flanking languid canals... 

...eclectic shops on cobble stoned streets...

...a city whose weekend traffic is dominated by cyclists and pedestrians...

...whose cafes and outdoor markets draw the Sunday crowds...

...and whose surrounding countryside is iconically Belgian.

My final destination was Stockholm, which unfortunately consisted of a late evening arrival and an afternoon departure the following day, so the only photos I have, which are of my stunning room at the Grand Hotel, reflect the transient nature of my stay.