Monday 26 August 2013

Fiery sunrise

The sunrise last Thursday blazed across the horizon with fiery intensity, it's reflection gradually turning the water to molten gold. 

Saturday 24 August 2013

Signs of Spring

My garden is responding to the first flush of Spring warmth.  In just days, dormant plants have stirred into life.

Sunday 18 August 2013


The magnolias are blooming in abundant glory, their profusion of ivory and pink flowers bringing romance to winter gardens.  They always remind me of Grandma and the stunning specimen she had in her front garden.

I was taken by this lovely standard magnolia while out on a morning walk.  It inspired me to prune my tiny magnolia stellata, removing the branches from the lower trunk and staking it to coax it into a standard form.  It will take many years to reach the size of the one I saw on my walk, but I'll enjoy watching it grow in its new classic shape.

Wednesday 14 August 2013


It's so important for well being to make time for reflection and find moments of serenity.

Hours often whirl past me in a kaleidoscope of frenetic activity.  Every thought and action has primary importance in its moment.  

When I started my morning walks to the beach, they had a dual purpose; to exercise for physical health and to clear my mind in preparation for the day ahead.  No matter what my preoccupations, I would lift myself above them to appreciate the unique beauty of each morning at the beach. 

Over time, without conscious consent, my very precious early morning quiet time for meditative reflection and serenity became work time.  One day last week I was out walking and I realised that all my thoughts were crammed with work.  I had been to the beach and I had seen it with my eyes, but I hadn't been fully present in the moment to appreciate it.

So now, I'll be switching my phone to silent and leaving it in my pocket until the walk is over and I'm home, feeling replenished and ready for the day ahead.

Thursday 1 August 2013

Balmoral Beach sunrise

This morning's sunrise at Balmoral Beach was a spectacular five minute display.